Wildlife collisions are a global problem that continues to grow by around 6% every year. The material damage in case of collisions is enormous. But even worse is the personal suffering and loss of biodiversity.
Prowild wildlife detection system
Our wildlife detection system detects animals about to cross and activates signs. As a result, road users are warned of animals that may be crossing and will reduce their speed and pass through this location vigilantly. This allows animals to cross safely and prevents collisions as much as possible.
With our latest generation systems, we have prevented more than 1,600 accidents since 2011, saving society approximately € 8,000,000 in damage. That is a reduction of more than 90%. In recent years we have proven that we can offer a very good solution to a growing problem.
If you would like more information about our wildlife detection systems, please contact us or ask your question via the contact form.
You had a collision with crossing wildlife?
Here you can find general information about what you can do in case of a collision with crossing wildlife.
Note: Emergency numbers can vary depending on the country.

Prowild business partner of WWF!
Do you have a project for a wildlife detection system? Make an appointment with us and we will donate € 100,- to € 500,- to one of the projects of WWF. Check the about us page for more information.